I thought I'd ask my community partner a few questions to help explain what we did this summer! Here is what Mary Meissner had to say:
Why do you think "home-visits" are a crucial part to St. Vincent de Paul?
The mission, which is to lead people to come together for spiritual growth & provide person to person service to the needy & suffering follows the tradition of the founder and also the patron, St. Vincent De Paul. I think the “home visits” are the means of “serving in hope” to provide for the poor and suffering directly – person to person. We are to help them to know these things by our example of being caring compassionate people, not judging them, but raising their hopes and self-esteem.
What do you think 'home-visits' teach the people who go on them?/ What have you learned from them?
It teaches different things for each person: Provides understanding of the difficulties many people face with being poor, hungry, homeless, alone, depressed, having pride & difficulty asking family members for help continually or going to the food pantry or using food share or begging landlords and public service for extensions on their financial responsibilities in order to feed their children or pay medical expenses.
- I have learned to see people as individuals with issues specific to them. I’ve learned to listen carefully and hear things that surprise me, such as someone asking for a visit for help to get a piece of furniture, when really they need food more than anything (starving as we visit), or that all they really wanted was for someone to take time to listen to them and pay attention.
- I’ve learned what real patience and endurance is from visits – how strong people are to face and endure their difficulties and still maintain some hope. I’ve learned how gracious and thankful friends are when we come to the door, that we are sometimes their only visitor or their only contact that has given them the time of day to find out what they need.
Do you think it is important for youth to get involved in volunteering?
It’s important for youth to experience first hand, the feeling of helping others. When they find out how much happiness and satisfaction they receive from helping others, it encourages them to be kind and caring to people in general and to be interested as they grow into adulthood to continue that kindness and caring for people less fortunate than themselves. They learn to appreciate what life has provided for them no matter how little.
I don't think I could have said that any better :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Progress Report
I decided to analyze how my Service Learning Goals planned out since my hours are completed. Even though I didn't do as much direct interacting as I wanted, I still made the type of impact I wanted; it was just in a different way. The presentation I gave to representatives from across the state of Wisconsin provided a catalyst for Youth oriented groups to form. I gave insight to older members on how to get teens and young adults to join. Instead of focusing on just MY local conference, I helped out multiple ones. I felt honored to be in the St. Vincent de Paul's national newsletter again! I couldn't believe it. I managed to reach a much larger audience than ever expected. Thus in some aspects my goals were actually exceeded.

And here is the link:
My academic skills and knowledge were definitely tested; oh and we can't forget my problem solving skills because that was HIGHLY tested. I had to have acute organizing and people skills otherwise our work wouldn't get done. I feel like I was tested mentally a lot with problems or sticky situations. You just have to take a deep breath and plunge right in with a dependence strictly on your talents. It was intimidating when discussing issues with spunky adults who didn't want to back down, so I've learned to get my point across in non-threatening ways. All in all, I've had a truly great experience!

And here is the link:
My academic skills and knowledge were definitely tested; oh and we can't forget my problem solving skills because that was HIGHLY tested. I had to have acute organizing and people skills otherwise our work wouldn't get done. I feel like I was tested mentally a lot with problems or sticky situations. You just have to take a deep breath and plunge right in with a dependence strictly on your talents. It was intimidating when discussing issues with spunky adults who didn't want to back down, so I've learned to get my point across in non-threatening ways. All in all, I've had a truly great experience!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Keep On Keepin' On
Even though I am passed my required 30hrs of community service for my project, I really just enjoy volunteering. I've continued to go back each week and help. Once you see the amount of tasks that need to be done, you don't want to stop! Today was filled with visiting people and trying to get them out of dire situations. The effects of the bad economy are very apparent; it also makes me more nervous for the future. What if it doesn't turn around? What if it gets worse? One thing I have noticed is that despite hard situations, people don't lose their generosity. Patrons keep donating their time, skills, and money, and it's wonderful to see. :)
Hours Volunteered:5
Total Hours To Date:39
Hours Volunteered:5
Total Hours To Date:39
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Final Product
The past few days have been INSANE preparing for the charity motorcycle ride. There were door prizes to pick up, tickets to be organized, etc. The other day I put in 2 hours taking calls and calling people back on our answering service. It was a little hectic seeing as I had never done it before.
Today was the ride! I got up early and headed over to Applejack's, a bar-diner where the route was going to start. I helped register riders&passengers, handed out wristbands, and passed out raffle tickets. Bikers kept pouring in! The event was really exciting. People initially take bikers to be harsh people, but we saw a very generous and philanthropic side to them. Each person was more than willing to buy raffle tickets and donate money to the cause. I met some really interesting people (and yes, I wore black clothes with studs on them!). I'll keep you posted on how much we raised for St. Vincent de Paul and other local food pantries :)
Here is a picture of Cozzy and I, one of the organizers of the event. The other ones are from the parking lot.

Hours Volunteered:4
Total Hours To Date:34
Today was the ride! I got up early and headed over to Applejack's, a bar-diner where the route was going to start. I helped register riders&passengers, handed out wristbands, and passed out raffle tickets. Bikers kept pouring in! The event was really exciting. People initially take bikers to be harsh people, but we saw a very generous and philanthropic side to them. Each person was more than willing to buy raffle tickets and donate money to the cause. I met some really interesting people (and yes, I wore black clothes with studs on them!). I'll keep you posted on how much we raised for St. Vincent de Paul and other local food pantries :)
Here is a picture of Cozzy and I, one of the organizers of the event. The other ones are from the parking lot.
Hours Volunteered:4
Total Hours To Date:34
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Late Night
Blogging late and on little sleep as it is! Today I was supposed to go help Cozzy with pre-registration tickets, but I wasn't feeling well at all. Later on, I had to take the calls. (which means calling our phone number and getting the messages from people who need help) Boy did we have some issues to take care of. I had to go on an emergency visit with Mr. Harper to help some homeless people; I can't say a lot due to privacy/confidentiality. All this before putting in a few hours at work. Pheeeew it's been a long day. Tomorrow is also time to crack down. I have to work again AND THEN get all the calls for the day, as well as go to Cozzy's and help with things for the Charity Ride. Shoot. I also need to pick up other door prizes. Ok, I should go to bed so I have the energy to do this all!!
Hours Volunteered: 2
Total Hours To Date:30
Hours Volunteered: 2
Total Hours To Date:30
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Longest Day EVER
Today was a crazy day in the life of a St.Vincent de Paul Volunteer! We had around 8home visits to do as well as prepare for the Charity Motorcycle Ride this weekend. We started at 9:45 this morning and worked till 3. Then on my own time I called local businesses and asked if they wanted to donate any gift certificates or coupons towards the cause. I spent an hour or so running around and picking them up. Pheeeeewwww and it was a hot day outside.
There were so many different types of people we helped today. You know, I can't imagine what would happen in our area if people didn't have service organizations to reach out to. We have so many people who call in and are on their last legs and support. Where else can they turn to get help?? It's times like these that you realize how important you are to society. Your volunteering DOES HELP.
Hours Volunteered: 6
Total Hours To Date:28
There were so many different types of people we helped today. You know, I can't imagine what would happen in our area if people didn't have service organizations to reach out to. We have so many people who call in and are on their last legs and support. Where else can they turn to get help?? It's times like these that you realize how important you are to society. Your volunteering DOES HELP.
Hours Volunteered: 6
Total Hours To Date:28
Friday, July 30, 2010
Last Week
Whoops! I forgot to blog about my activities last week! On Saturday I sold programs at a local football game.They were $2, and the organization recieved $1 out of every one sold! We raised $30 towards the Young and Youth Vincentians. It was a fun little get-together despite some rainy weather.
Tuesday, I did more home visits with Mrs. Harper. Each time we go, my determination to help people increases. Most people would assume that there are no poor in my area, but I have seen otherwise. It really opens your eyes to the sufferings of humanity. It feels so good to help people! An interestig aspect to SVDP is that we don't judge people or their situation. Yes, they may have made a lot of bad decisions or used their money for non-need items, but that's not what's important. Our purpose is to help people, not decide if they are worthy enough.
Hours Volunteered:3
Total Hours To Date:22
Tuesday, I did more home visits with Mrs. Harper. Each time we go, my determination to help people increases. Most people would assume that there are no poor in my area, but I have seen otherwise. It really opens your eyes to the sufferings of humanity. It feels so good to help people! An interestig aspect to SVDP is that we don't judge people or their situation. Yes, they may have made a lot of bad decisions or used their money for non-need items, but that's not what's important. Our purpose is to help people, not decide if they are worthy enough.
Hours Volunteered:3
Total Hours To Date:22
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