I decided to analyze how my Service Learning Goals planned out since my hours are completed. Even though I didn't do as much direct interacting as I wanted, I still made the type of impact I wanted; it was just in a different way. The presentation I gave to representatives from across the state of Wisconsin provided a catalyst for Youth oriented groups to form. I gave insight to older members on how to get teens and young adults to join. Instead of focusing on just MY local conference, I helped out multiple ones. I felt honored to be in the St. Vincent de Paul's national newsletter again! I couldn't believe it. I managed to reach a much larger audience than ever expected. Thus in some aspects my goals were actually exceeded.

And here is the link:
My academic skills and knowledge were definitely tested; oh and we can't forget my problem solving skills because that was HIGHLY tested. I had to have acute organizing and people skills otherwise our work wouldn't get done. I feel like I was tested mentally a lot with problems or sticky situations. You just have to take a deep breath and plunge right in with a dependence strictly on your talents. It was intimidating when discussing issues with spunky adults who didn't want to back down, so I've learned to get my point across in non-threatening ways. All in all, I've had a truly great experience!
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