As part of my project, I was in charge of putting together a large Powerpoint presentation for the St. Vincent de Paul regional conference. There are 8 regions in the United States. Wisconsin is part of the North Central region. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend because of my work schedule,but I was still able to prepare slides with information that I wanted to get across. The focus of the PP was "Youth and Young Vincentians": how to get young adults involved and project ideas. Leaders from around the five state region came to view the Powerpoint and bring back ideas for their own conference and program. The presentation lasted for around an hour and a half.
I put together slides on how to keep the youth interested, how to use modern media, and how to duplicate projects in their own cities. There were five or six man projects that I detailed thouroughly including what it was, what was needed, and how to make it happen. The regional meeting was in Milwaukee, and I heard it went very well!
Hours Volunteered: 4
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